EPA 2013

September 7, 2014


Previous RA Olivia Bogucki and previous graduate student Janine Domingues present a poster and paper at the Eastern Psychological Association 2013 conference in New York.

Kicking off the Fall 2014 semester!

September 4, 2014

We’re excited to kick off a new semester of research in the Child and Adolescent Anxiety Lab on a beautifully sunny day in Storrs. We have a terrific group of RAs this semester: (from left, in back) Erica, Melanie, Jessica, Gianmarco, JC, Evan; (in front) Susan, Madeline.

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JC Gonzalez, RA of the month (July 2014)!

July 23, 2014

JC Gonzalez, RA of the month!
JC Gonzalez, RA of the month!

JC Gonzalez has been working with graduate students Amanda LeTard and Catherine Stewart all summer on their dissertation and masters projects, respectively.

Bravo JC!


Dombrowski presents at NAN in San Diego

July 22, 2014

Graduate student Caitlin V. Dombowski presented a case at the National Academy of Neuropsychology (NAN) in San Diego, CA in October 2013.

Her poster titled To Dement or Not to Dement: The Three Year Clinical Course of a Non-Progressive Behavioral Variant of Frontal Temporal Dementia (bvFTD)
was co-authored with  her neuropsychology practicum supervisor Sarah Bullard, Ph.D., ABPP( http://www.gaylord.org/medical-staff/physicians.aspx)

Website Launched!

Welcome to our new website! We are excited to be able to share our lab goings-on with you!

Visit again in the Fall to see our new Research Assistants and projects!

APA 2011!

July 20, 2014

Graduate students Amanda LeTard and Caitlin Dombrowski took APA by storm at the annual meeting in D.C. in 2011.

Amanda and Caitlin at APA Washington DC, August 2011
Amanda and Caitlin at APA Washington DC, August 2011